You may succeed by systematically creating a list of prospects for your marketing campaign. But something went wrong, and you didn’t get the expected. So, what should you do? Did you give a thought to the possibility that the message was wrong? That is what happened.
What is meant by a Cold Email?
Cold emails help in initiating a business relationship and developing it further. Considering the offline scene, you can establish a bond through a conversation. The initial contact at any business meeting or exhibition is to break the ice and start connecting. The same principle applies to an online business where sales efforts can begin with cold emails.
It is one of the best ways of reaching out to customers who may know little or nothing about your products and services. The very purpose of a cold email campaign is to build a relationship with a potential customer. A pre-warm-up session always helps build a lasting relationship.
How To Write Cold Emails Effectively
Avoid Irrelevant Subject Lines
A relevant and catchy subject line makes all the difference. Using relevant subject lines goes a long way in increasing email open rates. More often than not, a catchy blog title kindles the interest of a user who would like to read on.
Your email subject line represents what is in the body of the email, and a catchy subject line prevents people from deleting the email by default. A vague subject line often goes straight to the trash can, and you can’t blame the recipients who have to contend with a flood of such emails, most of which are spam.
It is a great idea to try out subject lines that refer to a business need or a solution to a pressing problem. Such subject lines can spark much-needed interest and give you enough breathing space to ensure the readers can read the rest of the email.
Also Read: Write Business Testimonial
Don’t Forget to Add a Call to Action
Is it enough if your emails are opened because the subject line sounds promising? The purpose of the email is to coax the recipient to take action. Adding a CTA toward the end of the email encourages people to click and respond as directed. The CTA should promise to answer the nagging question that’s been bugging your target audience and that a solution lies in taking action immediately.
The exit line or last line in your email is critical and conveys the purpose of your email. Hence, the last line has to be specific and convincing enough to initiate action by the recipient. Whether it is answering a question, meeting someone, accepting a call, or giving a testimonial –the CTA’s purpose must be specific. Also, the CTA has to be clear and actionable and not appear as if you are expecting too much for too little.
Write a Concise Email
No one is interested in or has the time to read lengthy essays. Research indicates that only 16% of users read the content word-by-word, and 79% scanned it, skipping a lot of content. Credibility is essential for Internet users.
Moreover, a large chunk of text is challenging to read and makes the message monotonous and time-consuming. With shrinking attention spans, brevity is the key to achieving a better email open rate. The endeavor should be to fit your message in as few sentences as possible. Take away all the fluff, and you’ll realize that less means more when sending cold emails.
Hyperlink your Website
To ensure your target audience reaches your website quickly, you must hyperlink one word in the email instead of pasting an entire URL, which is pretty confusing. Even one letter missing in the URL defeats the purpose; hence it is better to hyperlink a word or phrase, which helps the user reach your website with the click of a button.
Moreover, who has the time to copy and paste a URL into a new browser? When you want your customer to access your website instantly, your best bet is to hyperlink a word using a keyboard shortcut (control K). To be on the safe side, check if the link works before shooting out your email.
Check for Grammatical Errors
Nothing can be more annoying than reading content that’s rife with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. The same care and attention you would give to your attire before a face-to-face meeting with a business partner must be exercised while emailing prospective customers.
Double-check your content for grammatical and spelling mistakes, which you can, do using a tool like Grammarly. When it comes to cold emailing, language and presentation play a critical role, and the first impression is always the best. Grammar mistakes, typos, and spelling mistakes make the content look amateurish and fail to impress the recipients.
Harp on the Benefits Rather than the Features
Never focus on product-oriented content; instead, dwell on the benefits and advantages a product or service offers. No one cares about the features of your product because what they want to know more is about the benefits it offers for their business. It is easy to glean this by identifying your target audience first, knowing what challenges they face, and the solutions they are looking for before sending cold emails.
No Hard-Selling
Your cold email should not have a sales pitch, a mistake most people continue to make. The pitch should be on offering solutions to the pain points customers have instead of trying to convince them to buy.
Cold emails are not meant to close a sale straight away. They only help lay the ground for building a good relationship that can blossom into a lasting business partnership. Hence, avoid sales pitches about offers, discounts, and time-sensitive sales.
It is essential to write cold emails that resonate with your target audience. It may not be an easy task and takes a lot of effort and patience, but the reward waits for the patient folks. The above points should help you draft cold emails with better open rates. Use an email design service for better reach.